DATA Link Agery Pagestu

Nama Lenkap: Agery Pagestu
Pangilan :Limin
Ttd: Sanggau 05 May 1992
Contak Tlpn :+6289693257456
Contak ID Tlpn Nirkabel: Geryhotspot
Email Rumah:
Jabatan : Member one
Prusahan: Pt Global Stalvin
Hobi: Jalan2 N Berkerja
Agama:100% islam
Sma:Smkn3 sanggau
Alamat: Jalan Munguk Badang Gg Karya
Alamat Sekarang:sosok 1 jalan lintas malindo

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Hey, - this is a placeholder text on your new XtGem mobile site. To add more content or modify this text snippet use the building tool and start publishing stories, links, pictures using our easy-to-use visual publishing tool. XtGem is a visual mobile site building tool and online presence enabler, allowing users to create and host their very own mobile site. We provide PHP support, no forced ads and lots of other advanced features, such as custom domains or full source code editing support.

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